2021. 8. 6. 11:57ㆍSound-Work/Work-Album

7OAST - ぼけっとよる
Released by Japan Music System (Global) / Lettuce Music (Korea)
Streaming: https://fanlink.to/the_nothing_of_night
Producing : 7OAST
Executive Producer : Chester Park
Compose : 7OAST
Mixing : 7OAST
Mastering : Chester Park @SoySauce;Studio
The instruments not listed separately were played and programmed by 7OAST.
01. Bluish River (feat. neur6sia)
Lyrics : neur6sia, 泉のクジラ
Vocal : neur6sia, oz
Guitar : Yewon
Bass : SweetBerry
02. Moon and Love (feat. Toomits)
Lyrics : Yozumina
Vocal : TooMits
Bass : SweetBerry
Violin : reeload
03. Stardust Light
Lyrics : Yozumina
Vocal Programming : Yozumina
Bass : Paxiom
04. Language of Dawn
Translation Supervisor
Character Design, Production Planning
Album Art Illustrator
Illustrator, MV Director (01. Bluish River)
Dice Coffeedox
Illustrator, MV Director (02. Moon and Love)
SilverCandyGum, perion
MV Director (04. Language of Dawn)
Actor : Yeonsooyura (neur6sia)
Special Thanks to
TSK / Soochan / ESAI / KARUT / han young / Norts